
Bucks Trade Brandon Knight for Michael Carter-Williams

Just when we thought it was going to be a quiet trade deadline for the Milwaukee Bucks....

Let's try to wrap our heads around what just happened:

Bucks Receive:
Michael Carter-Williams (from Sixers)
Tyler Ennis (from Phoenix)
Miles Plumlee (from Phoenix)

Bucks Send:
Brandon Knight (to Phoenix)

Brandon Knight is set to hit free-agency this summer and would be expecting to ask for a contract somewhere north of $10 million/year, a sizable amount of money for a player who we still don't know what position he plays. It is obvious that he has been our best player this year but do you see him as a title contending-level point guard? Probably not. Michael Carter-Williams is a pure point guard who may have his deficiencies (shooting) but can be a top defender and has become a triple double machine (league leading 3 this season). The former Rookie of the Year has shown steady improvement as he adjusts to the league and I can't think of a better mentor than Kidd. Confession: I would be far more nervous about this trade if Kidd wasn't at the helm. Let's remember that the coach came into the league without a jump shot and left as the fifth all-time leader in three-point field goals.

This summer will also be one of the biggest in recent memory in terms of salary cap with the upcoming 2016-17 TV deal that the NBA has reached with Turner Sports. Currently the salary cap is set at $63 million but once the 2016-17 season begins, the cap will raise to somewhere near the $80 million range which means that a "max" deal today, will be nowhere near what a "max" deal will be in two years. This summer is THE summer to spend if you are going to. By trading Knight, who we don't even know we would be able to re-sign, let alone pay however much he would want, and receiving MCW who is still on his rookie contract through next season, we have the freedom to spend money on a player we know we will need (Larry Sanders replacement).

In the process, the Bucks were also able to get a first-rounder and potential back-up point guard in Tyler Ennis, who was buried so deep on the Suns bench this season that no one has gotten a chance to see what talent he could be and a post presence in Miles Plumlee. With Zaza taking a beating night in and night out, Plumlee will be able to make an immediate impact.

I understand many fans are upset to see Knight leave but this is the big difference in the new ownership as opposed to the organization led by Senator Kohl. They aren't willing to settle as an average playoff team. They want to win now but understand that this is a process and making the tough choices now will reap benefits later when these young players will develop. I love Brandon Knight but have lost sleep trying to figure out how he can be our point guard of the future. Instead of letting him walk for nothing this offseason, we might as well get a young, talented pass-first point guard who has the potential to be a top-tier player in this league.

As for the rumors that the Suns offered Dragic for Knight but was turned down by the Bucks: Goran has made it pretty obvious that he intends to sign with a large market team so the Bucks made the smart decision not to trade for the Suns PG for half a year...we tried that before (see: Gary Payton.)

All in all, I'm a big fan of this trade. Like the pieces we added and am looking forward to seeing what else we can do this summer.

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